Saturday, April 6, 2013

Best Food for Beautiful Skin

Hi lovely people, how has you day been guess the week was great. I haven't been able to post anything for a while, apart from the usual network fluctuation, I had a minor accident but thanks to God am fine and better.
       While I was in my recovery mode I still surfed the internet and found this *Best food for beautiful Skin* and I thought it would be nice to share.
The best food for beautiful skin are:
*Red grapes
Red grapes are an easy and tasty way to improve your skin. This vine-ripened plant contains large amounts of antioxidants and other chemicals that have been used to treat skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema. They're also a natural antihistamine, which means that eating them will reduce the effects of allergic reactions. Remember to always wash your grapes before eating!
Strawberries have loads of vitamin C in them, which helps to make skin firm and protects skin cells from free radicals from the sun and other environmental sources. They also contain high levels of anthocyanins, which are present in red, purple, and blue plants, and serve to protect the skin from UVA rays.
Ugly bird = beautiful skin? That's right! Not only is chicken a lean protein, it's also great for your skin because it has high levels of selenium. Like vitamin C, selenium helps the skin keep its firmness and elasticity, and it also has antioxidants that protect skin from sun damage.
*Bell Pepper
Like strawberries, red, green, and yellow bell peppers are great sources of vitamin C. You should make the effort to get plenty of vitamin C in your diet in order to replenish your skin with those protective and skin-firming cells.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body. It also helps to grow and repair body tissues, including skin cells. Apricots are a sweet and tasty source of this regenerative antioxidant, as well as vitamin C and linoleic acid, which repair damaged or sensitive skin.
Carrots are also a great source of beta-carotene, which may also help protect your skin from sun damage, in addition to repairing the cells. Make sure you eat beta-carotene foods in moderate amounts, though. Eating that entire bag of baby carrots won't speed up the skin-rejuvenation process any faster, so have a few and put them away.

P.S: To know the meaning of the science terms like antioxidant,linoleic, etc,you could check a dictionary, didn't think of putting the meanings too.

You have a lovely day

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